We all loved The Firm and To Kill A Mockingbird, but what is the new legal canon? What writers, even those toiling in the literary world of research, are truly groundbreaking instead of curing insomnia? We hope you’ll find a few of them here.
2012 Demographic Data Report
Find Demographic Data on Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity of California State Justices and Judges.
California Courts Review
Quarterly magazine covering critical issues facing the courts, written by experts inside and outside the branch.
DataPoints: Procedural Fairness and Effective Court Practices in Small Claims Cases
Even before the increase of self-represented litigants in family law and other civil cases, small claims court required litigants to assume the primary responsibility for preparing and presenting their cases. This issue of DataPoints is the first of four looking at the experience of small claims litigants. It reports descriptive information on small claims litigants: their levels of education, income, previous experience in court, and the types of cases in which they’re involved.
Innovations in the California Courts
Issued biannually, Innovations in the California Courts presents creative solutions devised by the California trial and appellate courts, as well as the Administrative Office of the Courts, to address common problems, improve access to justices and optimize the use of resources. It also describes ongoing programs to build a sound statewide judicial infrastructure.